[vc_row][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]Sri Durga Mahashtami was celebrated with due solemnity in the Temple of the Ramakrishna Mission, New Delhi, on Thursday, the 28th September 2017.

Mangalarati began at 5.00 a.m. on the Mahashtami day in the Temple. Chanting of Durga Saptasati was done in the Temple on Saptami, Ashtami and Navami days (27th, 28th and 29th September) by all devotees present there led by Revered Secretary Maharaj. Many devotees who participated in the chanting of Durga Saptasati on these three days.

Puja was performed by Swami Tadbhasanandaji under the guidance of Swami Kapilanandaji. Havan was also performed by Swami Tadbhasanandaji assisted by Revered Swami Shantatmanandaji Maharaj as Tantradharak.

During the Puja, Shri Bishnu Murari Chattopadhyay rendered devotional songs accompanied by Shri Siddharta Bhattacharya on tabla, and also Devi Stotram which was followed by all. Homa started at 10.05 a.m. and was over by 10.55 a.m. Then Pushpanjali for all devotees was administered by Revered Secretary Maharaj at 11.10 a.m. After Pushpanjali, the sanctum sanctorum of the Temple was closed for devotees. During the period of bhoga, when the doors of the sanctum sanctorum were closed for the devotees, some devotional songs were rendered by Revered Secretary Maharaj followed by Shri Bishnu Murari Chattopadhyay and both were accompanied on tabla by Shri Siddharta Bhattacharya. Swami Dhruvarupanandaji also rendered some devotional songs accompanied by Shri Ashok Brahmachari on tabla. When bhoga was over at 11.45 a.m., Arati started at 11.48 a.m. with the chanting of “Khandana Bhava Bandhana…” by all.

When Arati was over all the devotees offered pranams to Sri Sri Thakur, Ma and Swamiji and also Mother Durga after which they proceeded to partake prasad.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]A few photos from this occasion:

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