A dawn to desk Japa Yajna (sunrise to sunset, i.e., from 6.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.) was  performed on Saturday, the 24th September 2011, in the Temple of the Ramakrishna Mission, New Delhi.   The only condition for participating  in the Japa Yajna was that any devotee participating in it should sit at least for one hour at a stretch doing japam.   Accordingly many devotees registered themselves in advance for participating in this Japa Yajna.

A Register was kept at the entrance of the  Temple on 24th morning and every devotee intending to participate in the Japa Yajna put down his name and time of arrival in the register. About 236 devotees  (as against 185 last year) participated in the Japa Yajna on 24th September and many of them for 2-3 hours and some of them sat in two shifts, as per their convenience.   The average attendance of devotees  in the temple at a time was 55.  Swami Shantatmanandaji participated in the japam continuously from  6.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. on this day. The devotees who have been participating regularly in the Japa Yajna ever since it was launched, appreciate it very much and eagerly look forward to the next japa yajna day.

Kichuri prasad was served to  all the participants of the Japa Yajna.