Vachanamrit Saptah (2nd to 8th April, 2012 – 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.) by Swami Nirvikalpanandaji at Sarada Auditorium, Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi. This is from the sixth day’s discourse on 7th April 2012, on Sri Sri Ramakrishna Vachanamrit (In Hindi) by Revered… Continue Reading →
People, particularly the householders, have a vague idea of what true renunciation is. Tyaga or renunciation demands an extraordinary state of mind. To illustrate this idea Sri Ramakrishna used to narrate a beautiful story. In a rare instance of coincidence,… Continue Reading →
Vachanamrit Saptah (2nd to 8th April, 2012 – 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.) by Swami Nirvikalpanandaji at Sarada Auditorium, Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi. This is from the fifth day’s discourse on 6th April 2012, on Sri Sri Ramakrishna Vachanamrit (In Hindi) by… Continue Reading →
Vachanamrit Saptah (2nd to 8th April, 2012 – 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.) by Swami Nirvikalpanandaji at Sarada Auditorium, Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi. This is from the fourth day’s discourse on 5th April 2012, on Sri Sri Ramakrishna Vachanamrit (In Hindi) by… Continue Reading →
Vachanamrit Saptah (2nd to 8th April, 2012 – 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.) by Swami Nirvikalpanandaji at Sarada Auditorium, Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi. This is from the third day’s discourse on 4th April 2012, on Sri Sri Ramakrishna Vachanamrit (In Hindi) by… Continue Reading →
Vachanamrit Saptah (2nd to 8th April, 2012 – 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.) by Swami Nirvikalpanandaji at Sarada Auditorium, Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi. This is from the second day’s discourse on 3rd April 2012, on Sri Sri Ramakrishna Vachanamrit (In Hindi) by… Continue Reading →
Vachanamrit Saptah (2nd to 8th April, 2012 – 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.) by Swami Nirvikalpanandaji at Sarada Auditorium, Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi. This is from the first day’s discourse on 2nd April 2012, on Sri Sri Ramakrishna Vachanamrit (In Hindi) by… Continue Reading →
We see so much of inter-religious and intra-religious disharmony, misunderstanding and communal tension in the world today. More than 130 years ago Sri Ramakrishna explained the reasons for this malady through a beautiful parable. Four blind men went out to… Continue Reading →
Sri Ramakrishna would tell a beautiful story to explain how seekers often search for Truth or ultimate reality in faraway areas whereas the Truth is very near. Once a bird sat on the mast of a ship. When the ship… Continue Reading →
Sri Ramakrishna would often extol the power of devotion and how the impossible is made possible through that power. To illustrate this idea he used to narrate a parable. Once there was an Annaprasana (a Hindu religious ceremony in connection… Continue Reading →
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