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Longing for God

Sri Ramakrishna added a new dimension to spiritual life.  Never before had any spiritual master or Guru emphasized so much on longing or Vyakulata as a spiritual discipline.  He would often say that the surest way to realize God is… Continue Reading →

God Alone is the Doer

Hinduism speaks of different classes of aspirants.  It advocates different paths for the aspirants pursuing the ultimate goal of life.  These paths are generally known as Jnana, Bhakti, Karma and Yoga.  The followers of the path of Bhakti feel themselves… Continue Reading →

Beyond Words

Sri Ramakrishna would often describe to his devotees the true nature of Brahman.  He would say that the true nature of Brahman cannot be described by words.  That is why it is described in the Shastras as ‘beyond mind’ and… Continue Reading →

True Devotion

Sri Ramakrishna used to narrate a beautiful story to explain the nature of true devotion. Once, three friends were going through a forest when a tiger suddenly appeared before them.  They were shocked and frightened.  One of them exclaimed that… Continue Reading →

Self-Help and Self-Surrender

Spiritual aspirants often face a dilemma between self-help and self-surrender.  They are always confused as to how much one should exert oneself and how much one should surrender to God or a superior power.  Sri Ramakrishna used to highlight the… Continue Reading →

Brahman or the Ultimate Truth

People often think that they have understood Brahman fully. But, it is really immeasurable and unfathomable. To drive home this point, Sri Ramakrishna used to narrate a beautiful story. Once, an ant went to a sugar hill. It had gone… Continue Reading →

Complete Faith

Sri Ramakrishna would often emphasize the role of faith in spiritual life. To illustrate the idea he used to narrate a beautiful parable. Once, a young Sanyasi went to a house to beg for some food. He had embraced the… Continue Reading →

Search Within

Most of the spiritual seekers try to seek God or the Ultimate Truth in the objective world. They seldom pay attention to the subjective aspect of reality. To explain this idea Sri Ramakrishna used to narrate a beautiful story. A… Continue Reading →

The Nature of the World

Sri Ramakrishna used to narrate a beautiful parable to explain the true nature of this world. Once, there lived a man who had a great teacher. The man knew that the teacher had miraculous powers. He begged his teacher to… Continue Reading →

Swami Nirvikalpananda – Vachanamrit Saptaha – Last (7th) Day

Vachanamrit Saptah (2nd to 8th April, 2012 – 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.) by Swami Nirvikalpanandaji at Sarada Auditorium, Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi. This is from the last day’s discourse on 8th April 2012, on Sri Sri Ramakrishna Vachanamrit (In Hindi) by… Continue Reading →

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