Swami Girishanandaji gave a series of talk on Bhagavat ” Bhramar Geet” from the 24th of March to 30th of March, 2019 at the Vivekananda Auditorium, Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi. Swami Girishananda is the Acharya of the Saket Dham Ashram in… Continue Reading →
[vc_row][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]The topic for this year’s Bhagavat Saptah was Nav Yogeshwar Samvad by Swami Girishanandaji. The evening discourses from 14th Mar to 20th March, 2016 at the Vivekananda Auditorium, Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi were well attended. A recording of these have… Continue Reading →
This year too, like the previous years, we had the blessed opportunity of listening to Swami Girishanandaji. The topic for this year’s Bhagavat Saptah was Bhakta Prahlad. The evening discourses from 25th Feb to 3rd March, 2015 at the Vivekananda… Continue Reading →
Renowned Bhagavata Exponent Pujya Swami Girishanandaji conducted a week long Bhagavad Saptah from 18th March to 24th March, 2013, at the Vivekananda Auditorium at the Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi. He was speaking from the Van Bhoj Lila of the Lord. Here is… Continue Reading →
Renowned Bhagavata Exponent Pujya Swami Girishanandaji conducted a week long ‘Bhagavad Saptah‘ from 18th March to 24th March, 2013, at the Vivekananda Auditorium at the Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi. He was speaking from the Van Bhoj Lila of the Lord. Here… Continue Reading →
Renowned Bhagavata Exponent Pujya Swami Girishanandaji conducted a week long ‘Bhagavad Saptah‘ from 18th March to 24th March, 2013, at the Vivekananda Auditorium at the Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi. He was speaking from the Van Bhoj Lila of the Lord. Here… Continue Reading →
Renowned Bhagavata Exponent Pujya Swami Girishanandaji is conducting a week long ‘Bhagavad Saptah’ from 18th March to 24th March, 2013, at the Vivekananda Auditorium at the Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi. He was speaking from the Van Bhoj Lila of the Lord. Here is the recording of the… Continue Reading →
Renowned Bhagavata Exponent Pujya Swami Girishanandaji is conducting a week long ‘Bhagavad Saptah‘ from 18th March to 24th March, 2013, at the Vivekananda Auditorium at the Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi. He was speaking from the Van Bhoj Lila of the Lord. Here is the recording of… Continue Reading →
Renowned Bhagavata Exponent Pujya Swami Girishanandaji is conducting a week long ‘Bhagavad Saptah‘ from 18th March to 24th March, 2013, at the Vivekananda Auditorium at the Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi. He was speaking from the Van Bhoj Lila of the Lord. Here is the recording of… Continue Reading →
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