A Multimedia Gallery of Delhi Ramakrishna Mission

Tag spiritual life

Satsangh with Morari Bapu – 06 Feb 2016

[vc_row][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]We were happy to have with us Morari Bapu, noted exponent of kathaas, for an evening’s Satsangh at the Vivekananda Auditorium, Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi. A recording of Morari Bapu’s talk is presented here. [powerpress url=”https://archive.org/download/MorariBapu_Satsangh_RamakrishnaMission_Delhi/Shri%20Morari%20Bapu.mp3″] (Right-click to download) [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text] Morari Bapu… Continue Reading →

For a spiritual life, tame your desires

Sri Ramakrishna would often warn his devotees about succumbing to temptations. He would say, luxury often creeps in imperceptibly into our lives and ruins our spiritual pursuits. He would illustrate this idea through a beautiful story. Once there lived a… Continue Reading →

Obstacles block path to devotion

     Sri Ramakrishna would often explain to his devotees the obstacles in the path of devotion. He would say that there are both gross and subtle obstacles blocking the way of true enlightenment. Normally, sadhakas (practitioners) are aware of… Continue Reading →

Be steadfast in your endeavours

Sri Ramakrishna would often advise his devotees the need to be steadfast in the pursuit of one’s spiritual goal. The habit of nibbling here and there and trying out various spiritual paths without being steadfast or sticking to one particular… Continue Reading →

Swami Kripamayananda on Spirituality – 23 Aug 2013

[powerpress url=”http://archive.org/download/SwamiKripamayanandaOnSpiritualityAtRamakrishnaMissionDelhi/Swami%20Kripamayananda%20on%20Spirituality%20at%20Ramakrishna%20Mission%20Delhi.mp3″] (Right-click here to download) Read about the event

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