[vc_row][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]Bhakta Sammelan held on Sunday, the 16th of September, 2018 at Ramakrishna Mission, New Delhi. Swami Raghavendranandaji, the head of our Gwalior Centre, and Swami Sukhanandaji, head of our Patna centre, were the main speakers. The topic of the… Continue Reading →
[vc_row][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]Discourse by Swami Shantatmanandaji Maharaj on the Life and Message of Sri Chaitanya Dev on 27th March, 2016 in the Sarada Auditorium, Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Recording of the discourse is presented here: (Right-click to download)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id=”primary”][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Renowned Bhagavata Exponent Pujya Swami Girishanandaji conducted a week long Bhagavad Saptah from 18th March to 24th March, 2013, at the Vivekananda Auditorium at the Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi. He was speaking from the Van Bhoj Lila of the Lord. Here is… Continue Reading →
Renowned Bhagavata Exponent Pujya Swami Girishanandaji conducted a week long ‘Bhagavad Saptah‘ from 18th March to 24th March, 2013, at the Vivekananda Auditorium at the Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi. He was speaking from the Van Bhoj Lila of the Lord. Here… Continue Reading →
Renowned Bhagavata Exponent Pujya Swami Girishanandaji conducted a week long ‘Bhagavad Saptah‘ from 18th March to 24th March, 2013, at the Vivekananda Auditorium at the Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi. He was speaking from the Van Bhoj Lila of the Lord. Here… Continue Reading →
Renowned Bhagavata Exponent Pujya Swami Girishanandaji is conducting a week long ‘Bhagavad Saptah’ from 18th March to 24th March, 2013, at the Vivekananda Auditorium at the Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi. He was speaking from the Van Bhoj Lila of the Lord. Here is the recording of the… Continue Reading →
Renowned Bhagavata Exponent Pujya Swami Girishanandaji is conducting a week long ‘Bhagavad Saptah‘ from 18th March to 24th March, 2013, at the Vivekananda Auditorium at the Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi. He was speaking from the Van Bhoj Lila of the Lord. Here is the recording of… Continue Reading →
Renowned Bhagavata Exponent Pujya Swami Girishanandaji is conducting a week long ‘Bhagavad Saptah‘ from 18th March to 24th March, 2013, at the Vivekananda Auditorium at the Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi. He was speaking from the Van Bhoj Lila of the Lord. Here is the recording of… Continue Reading →
Renowned Bhagavata Exponent Pujya Swami Girishanandaji is conducting a week long ‘Bhagavad Saptah‘ from 18th March to 24th March, 2013, at the Vivekananda Auditorium at the Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi. He was speaking from the Van Bhoj Lila of the Lord…. Continue Reading →
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Swami Bhajananandaji is the Assistant Secretary of the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, Belur Math, Kolkata. He rendered a special discourse on the topic ‘Glory of the Divine Name‘ at the Vivekananda Auditorium, Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi on 6th Mar 2013. This is a… Continue Reading →
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