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Sacred is different from secular

Sri Ramakrishna would often explain to his devotees the difference between the sacred and the secular. He would say that it is extremely difficult to separate the sacred from a secular point of view. To explain this idea he used… Continue Reading →

Guru should know Brahman

Sri Ramakrishna would often impress upon his devotees the role of a spiritual teacher or guru in the spiritual life of aspirants. He would say that unless the guru has tremendous spiritual power and is capable of liberating the disciple,… Continue Reading →

God is under the control of devotees

Sri Ramakrishna used to say that the devotee’s perception of God evolves as he progresses in spiritual life. During the early stages of sadhana, the devotee describes God in all his glories and attributes. But as he evolves he understands… Continue Reading →

Great saints have power of attraction

Sri Ramakrishna would describe to his devotees the irresistible attraction which the devotees feel for God. In this connection, he used to narrate a very interesting incident. One day a man was strolling in his garden when he saw a… Continue Reading →

Priceless jewels are mere trifles

Sri Ramakrishna used to tell his devotees that one should not try to understand God by worldly estimations under any circumstances. What people normally consider as precious and priceless have no value for Him? To illustrate this idea, he used… Continue Reading →

The Ultimate is beyond words

Sri Ramakrishna would describe to devotees the nature of the Ultimate Truth or Brahman. He would say, Brahman can be realised, but is beyond description. That is why the Upanishads describe it as beyond words and as something which cannot… Continue Reading →

Beyond knowledge and ignorance

Sri Ramakrishna would often explain to his devotees the true nature of God. He would say that God is beyond both knowledge and ignorance and that only a person who can transcend both can realise God. He would say that… Continue Reading →

When fear gives way to compassion

Sri Ramakrishna would present before his devotees different facets of God during his conversations. Once he was talking to them about devotees who look upon God as someone very compassionate. He used to refer to his conversation with some devotees… Continue Reading →

Adopt a life of genuine holiness

Sri Ramakrishna would explain to his devotees the power of associating with anything holy. He would say that such associations are capable of bringing about a transformation in one’s character. He would explain this idea using a custom prevalent in… Continue Reading →

A true devotee seeks nothing

Sri Ramakrishna would extol the glory of true devotion. He would say that a devotee, who has tasted the bliss of the Lord’s vision or company, does not seek anything else. Nothing connected with the world, however precious it may… Continue Reading →

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