Once Narada, the divine sage, committed some transgression. Then, Vishnu, the Lord of Goloka or heaven, cursed him saying that Narada would be thrown into hell. At this Narada was greatly disturbed and prayed to the Lord singing songs of… Continue Reading →
Quite often people either seriously or even for fun feign about illness, etc. Sri Ramakrishna would draw the attention of devotees to such behavior and warn about the lurking dangers in such practices. To illustrate the point he used to… Continue Reading →
15th of January, 2012 is Swami Vivekananda’s 150th Birthday according to Hindu almanac. On this day let us try to remember and recall his extraordinary contribution for the promotion of religious harmony. He addressed the audience at the Parliament of… Continue Reading →
Sri Ramakrishna would often explain in glowing terms about the power of faith to his devotees. To illustrate the idea he would narrate a Pouranik anecdote. One day Sri Krishna and Arjuna were going in a chariot. Sri Krishna suddenly… Continue Reading →
Sri Ramakrishna would often exhort his visitors to turn their minds away from useless pursuits and strive whole-heartedly for realizing God or the Ultimate Truth. He used to illustrate this idea with a beautiful story. A man built a house… Continue Reading →
The deluding power of Maya called illusion is discussed extensively in our holy texts such as Puranas. It is said that the effects of illusion linger to a certain extent even after the attainment of the Knowledge. Suppose a man… Continue Reading →
According to Hinduism everyone must reap the results of their past Karma. One must acknowledge the influence of tendencies inherited from past births. Pleasure and pain are inevitable when one accepts a body. Sri Ramakrishna used to illustrate this through… Continue Reading →
Once Narada requested the Lord of the Universe to show him a glimpse of His Maya through which the impossible is made possible. After some days the Lord set out on a trip with Narada. After travelling some distance, He… Continue Reading →
A holy man was living a very simple life and had a pair of loin cloths as his only possession. One day on his return from begging his food, he found that rats had made holes in his spare loin… Continue Reading →
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