Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi had organized a Bhakta Sammelan from 1st March to 3rd March, 2013. The last day was celebrated as the ‘Ramakrishna Day’, in the Vivekananda Auditorium of the Mission premises. ‘Practical Vedanta‘ was the theme of the Bhakta Sammelan. Swami Shantatmanandaji, Secretary,… Continue Reading →
Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi had organized a Bhakta Sammelan from 1st March to 3rd March, 2013. The last day was celebrated as the ‘Ramakrishna Day’, in the Vivekananda Auditorium of the Mission premises. ‘Practical Vedanta‘ was the theme of the Bhakta… Continue Reading →
Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi had organized a Bhakta Sammelan from 1st March to 3rd March, 2013. The last day was celebrated as the ‘Ramakrishna Day’, in the Vivekananda Auditorium of the Mission premises. ‘Practical Vedanta‘ was the theme of the Bhakta… Continue Reading →
Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi had organized a Bhakta Sammelan from 1st March to 3rd March, 2013. The last day was celebrated as the ‘Ramakrishna Day’, in the Vivekananda Auditorium of the Mission premises. ‘Practical Vedanta’ was the theme of the Bhakta… Continue Reading →
Smt. Subhadra Desai is a contemplative vocalist of Indian Classical Music and a Sanskrit scholar. Her music is characterized by a graceful voice and meditative timbre. Her repertoire includes Khayal, Sagun and Nirgun bhajans and Tappa. She was initiated to… Continue Reading →
Smt. Subhadra Desai is a contemplative vocalist of Indian Classical Music and a Sanskrit scholar. Her music is characterized by a graceful voice and meditative timbre. Her repertoire includes Khayal, Sagun and Nirgun bhajans and Tappa. She was initiated to… Continue Reading →
Swamis Tadgatanandaji of the Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Patna, and Shantatmanandaji, Secretary, Delhi Mission, spoke on Holy Mother and her Message on 17th December, 2011 – Holy Mother’s Jayanti, 2011 at the Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi, Mandir premises. They spoke mainly in… Continue Reading →
Smt. Indira Gandhi, the ex-Prime Minister of India, spoke at the Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi on 4th June 1971. Swami Ranganathanandaji was presiding over the function. This is a voice recording of the same. [powerpress url=”http://www.archive.org/download/IndiraGandhi-RamakrishnaMissionDelhi-4Jun1971/IndiraGandiAtRamakrishnaMissionDelhiOn4thJun1971.mp3″ title=”Talk at Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi”]… Continue Reading →
Swami Yatiswarananda (1889-1966), a senior monk and former Vice-President of the Ramakrishna Math, was a well known spiritual figure in the Neo-Vedanta movement. Besides seven years of pioneering work in spreading Vedanta in Europe and ten years of teaching Vedanta… Continue Reading →
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