Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi organised two Hindustani Classical concerts to commemorate the 154th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, at the Vivekananda Auditorium on Sunday, the 10th January, 2016. Noted dhrupad singer, Ustad Wasifuddin Dagar presented Dhrupad music from 4 pm to 5:30… Continue Reading →
[vc_row][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]Pt. M. Venkatesh Kumar, a renowned vocalist, gave an enthralling performance of bhajans in Hindustani Classical style at Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi on 27 Dec 2015. Dr. Vinay Mishra of Delhi accompanied him on the harmonium and Sri Keshav Joshi of… Continue Reading →
Sri Kshitij Mathur, a renowned singer, performed devotional songs at the Vivekananda Auditorium, Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi on 6th September 2015, as part of the JanmashtamiCelebrations at the Ashram. A few photos from the evening: Artist Info: Shri Kshitij Mathur started… Continue Reading →
In commemoration of the 152nd Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, a Hindustani Classical Music programme was held on Sunday, the 11th January, 2015 at the Vivekananda Auditorium, Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi. Classical artistes, Pandit Biswajit Roy Choudhury, Sarod and Ustad Wasifuddin… Continue Reading →
In commemoration of the 152nd Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, a Hindustani Classical Music programme was held on Sunday, the 11th January, 2015 at the Vivekananda Auditorium, Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi. Classical artistes, Pandit Biswajit Roy Choudhury, Sarod and Ustad Wasifuddin… Continue Reading →
In commemoration of the 152nd Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, a Hindustani Classical Music programme was held on Sunday, the 11th January, 2015 at the Vivekananda Auditorium, Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi. Classical artistes, Pandit Biswajit Roy Choudhury, Sarod and Ustad Wasifuddin… Continue Reading →
Sri Dattatreya Velankar performed at the Vivekananda Auditorium, Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi, on 31st March 2013. He was accompanied by Pandit Ashish Sengupta on the Tabla, Shri Shyamkumar Bharati on the harmonium and Shri Naman Sharma on the Tampura. Sri Dattatreya… Continue Reading →
Details about the program held on 31st Mar 2013. [powerpress url=”http://archive.org/download/HindustaniClassicalMusic_DattatreyaVelankar_20130331_Ramakrishna_Mission_Delhi/Classical_Music_Dattatreya_Velankar_20130331.mp3″] (Right-Click to Download)
Pandits Rajan and Sajan Mishra performed at the Vivekananda Auditorium, Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi on 23 September, 2012. This ‘Classical Vocal Concert’ was part of the series of programmes being celebrated under the 150th Birth Anniversary Celebrations of Swami Vivekananda. This… Continue Reading →
Ustad Rashid Khan (born 1 July 1966) is an Indian classical musician in the Hindustani music tradition. He belongs to the Rampur-Sahaswan gharana, and is the great-grandson of gharana founder Inayat Hussain Khan. He is married to Joyeeta Bose, from… Continue Reading →
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