Revered Swami Vimokshanandaji Maharaj, who was still recently the Head of Ramakrishna centre in South Africa, addressed the devotees on the topic “What ‘Love of God’ means to us”, at Sarada Auditorium, Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi on 8 Feb 2015. A recording of the talk is… Continue Reading →
Devotees would often come to Sri Ramakrishna to discuss about spiritual matters. One of the topics often discussed was the difference between jnana and bhakti i.e. knowledge and devotion. Devotees would often find it extremely difficult to reconcile these two… Continue Reading →
Many devotees would approach Sri Ramakrishna and unburden their hearts to him. They would narrate in great detail their tales of sorrow and suffering. Of course, Sri Ramakrishna knew that the world was full of problems and difficulties and that… Continue Reading →
Sri Ramakrishna would often explain to the devotees, in his own simple and inevitable style, how to fix their mind on God. He would explain this in various ways using instances from daily life as illustrations. He was born in… Continue Reading →
Sri Ramakrishna would often caution his devotees about the absence of purity of purpose in devotion. While devotion with a motive is not bad in itself, it will not take one far in the path of spiritual journey. In this… Continue Reading →
Sri Ramakrishna would explain to his devotees that God is truly merciful and would come to the rescue of his true devotees whenever they are in danger. But he would lay emphasis on the word “true”. He would explain that… Continue Reading →
Sri Ramakrishna would often explain to his devotees that a devotee’s idea of God evolves as he grows in his spiritual life. Initially it is an idea of a far-away God who is to be pleased by various means of… Continue Reading →
Pujya Swami Tejomayanandaji, current Head of the Chinmaya Mission, delivered a talk on ‘Ramayana’ at the Vivekananda Auditorium, Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi on 22 November 2013. His talk, mainly in Hindi, is presented here. (Right-click to download)
Pujya Swami Tejomayanandaji, current Head of the Chinmaya Mission, delivered a talk on ‘Ramayana‘ at the Vivekananda Auditorium, Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi on 22 November 2013. Singing and commenting on a few couplets from Tulsidas’s epic Ramcharitmanas, Pujya Swamiji brought out… Continue Reading →
Sri Ramakrishna used to say that the devotee’s perception of God evolves as he progresses in spiritual life. During the early stages of sadhana, the devotee describes God in all his glories and attributes. But as he evolves he understands… Continue Reading →
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