Auspicious beginning of an important service project for the homeless

The problem of providing shelter to the homeless is a major one in New Delhi. The problem becomes very acute in winter leading even to death of people. You are all aware of Swamiji’s intense feelings for the poor. Hence, on the auspicious occasion of his 150th Birth Anniversary we wish to construct a shelter for the homeless titled ‘Swami Vivekananda Night Shelter’ at Rohini on a piece of land allotted to us by the Delhi Government.

The shelter (two storeyed) will accommodate around 450 homeless poor people and it would cost around Rs. 65 to 70 lakhs (approximately). The foundation stone for this important and extremely essential service project will be laid by Smt. Sheila Dikshit, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Delhi on Tuesday, the 9th of July, 2013 at 6:30 p.m.

The address of the location is ‘Near Avantika Market, Sector-1, Deenabandhu Chhoturam Marg, Rohini, Delhi – 34’. It is near Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Hospital and the nearest Metro Station is Rohini (West).

Please do make it convenient to attend this important programme.

Yours in service,
Swami Shantatmananda

Swami Vivekananda Night Shelter