A Brief Report on the Annual day Function of Sri Ramakrishna Study Circle, Janakpuri, New Delhi, on Saturday, the 11th September 2010 at 10.30 a.m. at Laxmi Narayan Mandir, A-3 Block, Janakpuri, New Delhi.

The Annual day function of the Sri Ramakrishna Study Circle, Janakpuri was held at Laxminarayan Mandir, A-3 Block, Janakpuri, New Delhi, on the auspicious day of Ganesh Chaturthi on Saturday, 11th Setember 2010.   Srimat Swami shantatmanandaji Maharaj, Secretary, Ramakrishna Mission, New Delhi, was specially invited to grace the occasion and give a discourse for the devotees of Janakpuri.   A few other devotees from Vikaspuri were also invited to attend this function.   Altogether about 40 devotees were present during the function.  The number was less perhaps because many other devotees were busy performing puja to Lord Ganesha on that day in their homes.

For this Annual day function a detailed agenda was drawn up, a copy of which is enclosed herewith.

When Swamiji arrived  at the Temple by about 10.30 a.m.  He was welcomed and garlanded by Shri Asit Tewari and he was conducted to the sanctum sanctorum of the Temple and after that he was taken to the upstairs of the temple with the blowing of the conch shell (sankh) and sprinkling of rose petals on the way as Swamiji was climbing the steps.

After entering into the Temple Hall, Swamiji offered flowers at the feet of Sri Thakur, Ma and Swamiji and offered pranams to them.

As soon as  Swamiji took his seat, Shri Chari and shri Purushottamji  profusely garlanded Swamiji and took his blessings for the Study Circle.

Shri Rajagopal then welcomed Swamiji and all other devotees assembled  on this occasion as smt. Permala Chadha, President of the Temple Committee who was to give the Welcome Address was to come late since she was held up in the Hospital.
Opening songs were rendered by Smt. U.V. Naga Lakshmi, a famous South Indian classical singer.    This was followed by the presentation of Report by Shri E.V.N. Chari reviewing the activities  of Sri Ramakrishna Study Circle, Janakpuri, during the year since its inauguration.   A copy of the same is appended here.

Just then Shrimati  Permala Chadha arrived in the Hall and Shri Rajagopal welcomed her on behalf of Sri Ramakrishna Study Circle, Janakpuri.

After that  Shri Arvind Kumarji read a portion from Sri Ramakrishna Vachanmrit. Then Shri Rajagopal invited Smt. Parmela Chadha to say a few words on this occasion and she did so.  While speaking, she offered any help from the Mandir Committee  at any time for the smooth functioning of the Study Circle there.

After the reading from Vachanamrit was over,  Srimat Swami Shantatmanandaji gave a discourse on Sri Ramakrishna Vachanmrit for over 40 minutes to the satisfaction of one and all of the devotees.

After Swamiji’s discourse, Vote of Thanks was given by Shri Rajagopal, as Smt. Sharma who was supposed to present the Vote of Thanks had fallen ill.

Then “Ramakrishna Sharanam” was sung in chorus by the devotees.

On behalf of Sri Ramakrishna Study Circle, Shri C.M. Sharma gave a cover containing Rs. 1101/- to Swamiji.  Smt. Parmela Chadha also gave pranami of  Rs. 1000/- to Swamiji for which a receipt was sent to her through Shri Ramesh Khosla.

Thus the Inaugural function was a great success.

After the function, Revered Shantatmanandaji Maharaj and a few invited devotees went to the residence of Shri Arvind Kumar in Vikaspuri and had Lunch there.