Once in the month of June a baby lamb was playing with its mother. It was merrily running around and jumping here and there. It told its mother that it intended to make a good feast of Ras flowers (a… Continue Reading →
Sri Ramakrishna would often caution his devotees about the dangers of being rigid in one’s spiritual beliefs. He would ask the devotees whether they knew where those who speak of the formless God make a mistake. He himself would answer… Continue Reading →
Sri Ramakrishna would often talk to his devotees about ishtha nishtha or unwavering devotion to one’s chosen deity or object of worship. He would say that one should have steadfast devotion and worship or serve his chosen ideal under all… Continue Reading →
Sri Ramakrishna would extol his devotees to go beyond both, knowledge and ignorance and would say that only then can one realize the highest or the Ultimate Truth. He would explain that the things which are normally considered as within… Continue Reading →
Sri Ramakrishna would often extoll the power of God’s name during his discussions with devotees. He would also say that while God’s name is very powerful, one should have complete, unwavering and abiding faith in it. He would also warn… Continue Reading →
Sri Ramakrishna added a new dimension to spiritual life. Never before had any spiritual master or Guru emphasized so much on longing or Vyakulata as a spiritual discipline. He would often say that the surest way to realize God is… Continue Reading →
Hinduism speaks of different classes of aspirants. It advocates different paths for the aspirants pursuing the ultimate goal of life. These paths are generally known as Jnana, Bhakti, Karma and Yoga. The followers of the path of Bhakti feel themselves… Continue Reading →
Sri Ramakrishna would often describe to his devotees the true nature of Brahman. He would say that the true nature of Brahman cannot be described by words. That is why it is described in the Shastras as ‘beyond mind’ and… Continue Reading →
Sri Ramakrishna used to narrate a beautiful story to explain the nature of true devotion. Once, three friends were going through a forest when a tiger suddenly appeared before them. They were shocked and frightened. One of them exclaimed that… Continue Reading →
Spiritual aspirants often face a dilemma between self-help and self-surrender. They are always confused as to how much one should exert oneself and how much one should surrender to God or a superior power. Sri Ramakrishna used to highlight the… Continue Reading →
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