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Be aware of the transitory world

Sri Ramakrishna would draw the devotees’ attention to the nature of the world. He would say that it is extremely important to have a proper worldview. People often entertain wrong notions about the existential world and suffer. He would narrate… Continue Reading →

Be ready to learn from anyone

Sri Ramakrishna would emphasize upon the role of guru in one’s spiritual life. Such a guru is unique and only one. However, one can learn from many upagurus or secondary teachers in ever so many ways so as to advance… Continue Reading →

Man of knowledge is like a little child

Sri Ramakrishna would describe to his devotees the nature of a man of true knowledge. He would say that such a person goes beyond the idea of distinctions. To illustrate this idea he used to narrate a story from Ramayana…. Continue Reading →

God protects His true devotees

Sri Ramakrishna would explain to his devotees that God is truly merciful and would come to the rescue of his true devotees whenever they are in danger. But he would lay emphasis on the word “true”. He would explain that… Continue Reading →

Seek the company of the holy

Sri Ramakrishna would often extol the power of the company of the holy. He would say that holy company is capable of taking one very high in the ladder of spirituality. To illustrate the idea he used to narrate a… Continue Reading →

Stay focused on purpose of life

Sri Ramakrishna would often caution his devotees about the need to be focused on the real purpose or goal of life. Quite often spiritual aspirants get diverted from the real purpose and indulge in activities thus are not essential, thus… Continue Reading →

Try to attain the highest knowledge

Sri Ramakrishna would warn his devotees about the power of samskaras. He would say that even a man of realisation can succumb to the overpowering nature of samskaras. To explain this idea he used to narrate an incident from the… Continue Reading →

Visit of Most Revered Swami Smarananandaji Maharaj – 5 to 7 Apr 2014

Visit of Most Revered Vice-President Maharaj We are glad to inform you that Most Revered Swami Smarananandaji Maharaj, Vice-President of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, will be visiting our Ashrama in connection with a book release function. He will arrive… Continue Reading →

Dr. Amrita Salm on Mother of Mayavati – 30 Mar 2014

Dr. Amrita Salm, author of ‘Mother of Mayavati‘, gave a talk on the research and writing of the book on Mother Sevier, the brave disciple of Swami Vivekananda, who took the initiative to start the Mayavati branch of the Advaita Ashrama.  This talk… Continue Reading →

Teachers should be an inspiration

Sri Ramakrishna would say that the capacity of a teacher to inspire his students or disciples would depend upon the strength and power of his life. In this connection Sri Ramakrishna would narrate how he had observed an acharya of… Continue Reading →

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