Sri Krishna Janmasthami was celebrated at the Ramakrishna Misson, New Delhi, on  Wednesday, the 1st September 2010.

The main feature of the celebration of Sri Krishna Janmasthami  besides the  special puja, was the chanting of all the 18 Chapters of Srimad Bhagavad Gita in the Temple, like last year, which lasted  about  three hours.   This celebration started with the chanting of Bhagavad  Gita at 3.00 p.m. on this day instead of in the morning as was done last year.   The entire chanting was done by the devotees in chorus led by Revered Secretary Maharaj along with a few other monastics of the Ashrama.  The chanting was over by 5.45 p.m.   Afterwards all devotees (250 in number) were served  Tea and a samosa each.

During  the chanting, at 4.00 p.m. The sanctum sanctorum was opened by Revered Pujari Maharaj and all those who were reciting the Gita at that time  were delighted to see the beautiful decoration  of the Garbha Mandir  wherein  the portrait of ‘Bal Krishna’ on a nicely decorated altar had been placed by the side of Holy Mother’s portrait.   The image of Sri Sri Thakur  was decorated  with a beautiful garland with flowers and flower vases  on the altar.   All the portraits of Bal Krishna, Sri Sri Ma and Swamiji were also decorated with garlands and marigold flowers.

Evening Arati  started at 7.00 p.m.  and ended by 7.30 p.m. After that, special Puja began at 7.35 p.m.  During the puja ’Shyamnam’ kirtans were  rendered by Revered Swami Gunashrayanandaji.   The devotees present joined in singing and this created an excellent  atmosphere in the Temple with the aroma spread all around by the burning of insense sticks in the sanctum sanctorum.   Later, Revered secretary Maharaj rendered a few bhajans  and the devotees also followed him in chorus  The puja was performed by Swami Tattwatitanandaji (Manavendra Maharaj).

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The pujas  for Sri Krishna, Sri Sri Thakur, Sri Ma and Swamiji were over by 9.02 p.m.  At 9.10 p.m.  Bhoga was offered and it was over by 9.24 p.m.   Bhogarati started at 9.26 p.m. and it was over by 9.40 p.m.  Bhogarati was performed with Jhar Lamp with the singing of “Trigunatita Guneswara  Shyam” sung in chorus by all devotees led by Swami Gunashrayanandaji.  The Temple was closed at 10.05 p.m.

After Bhogarati was over, Prasad distribution started at 9.50 p.m. after the devotees offered pranams to all deities and moved on to take Prasad consisting of four puris with alurdam, one sweet and fruit Prasad in donas.  The total number of devotees who took Prasad was 400.   In addition, about 100 persons (including monastics, volunteers and staff) took Prasad in the dining hall.

Thus the celebration of Janmasthami was a great success.