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Evolution of a National Culture by C. P. Ramaswami Aiyer

[A Symposium on ‘Nation-building and Our Tasks‘ was held at the Ramakrishna Mission, New Delhi, in February 1954. Evolution of a National Culture is largely based on the learned speech delivered on that occasion by Dr. C. P Ramaswami Aiyer,… Continue Reading →

State of Religion in the Contemporary World by Dr S Radhakrishnan

‘The state of religion in the contemporary world’ formed the subject of an illuminating talk by Dr S Radhakrishnan, given by him at the Ramakrishna Mission, New Delhi (Early 1952). In a brief but lucid survey, he unveiled, before a crowded… Continue Reading →

The Message of Swami Vivekananda by Jayaprakash Narayan

[Talk by Sri Jayaprakash Narayan at the Swami Vivekananda birthday anniversary celebrations held at the Ramakrishna Mission, New Delhi on the 17th February, 1952. It is translated from the original Hindi.] Swami Vivekananda belongs to the class of great seers of… Continue Reading →

Sri Ramakrishna and India By Swami Nikhilananda

[From the speech delivered at the celebration of Sri Ramakrishna’s Birthday, New Delhi, 20 March 1949, published in the Prabuddha Bharata, May 1949.] Romain Rolland has described Sri Ramakrishna as the fulfilment of the spiritual aspirations of two hundred millions… Continue Reading →

The way Sri Ramakrishna showed us by C. Rajagopalachari

[Presidential address delivered  by C. Rajagopalachari, at the Birthday Celebration of Sri Ramakrishna at the Ramakrishna Mission, New Delhi in March 1947.] During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries many great men have devoted themselves to explaining our Hindu religion to… Continue Reading →

Creative role of youth in India’s development – Dr. R. Balasubramaniam – 20 Oct 2013

Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi conducted a three day State Level Youth Convention– ‘Awakening the Youth Power‘ from 18 – 20 October 2013. During a session titled ‘Restoring India’s Glory: Role of Youth Leaders (भारतीय गरिमा की पुनः स्थापना – युवा नेताओं… Continue Reading →

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