Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi had organized a Bhakta Sammelan from 1st March to 3rd March, 2013. The last day was celebrated as the ‘Ramakrishna Day’, in the Vivekananda Auditorium of the Mission premises. ‘Practical Vedanta‘ was the theme of the Bhakta… Continue Reading →
Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi had organized a Bhakta Sammelan from 1st March to 3rd March, 2013. The last day was celebrated as the ‘Ramakrishna Day’, in the Vivekananda Auditorium of the Mission premises. ‘Practical Vedanta‘ was the theme of the Bhakta… Continue Reading →
Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi had organized a Bhakta Sammelan from 1st March to 3rd March, 2013. The last day was celebrated as the ‘Ramakrishna Day’, in the Vivekananda Auditorium of the Mission premises. ‘Practical Vedanta’ was the theme of the Bhakta… Continue Reading →
Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi had organized a Bhakta Sammelan from 1st March to 3rd March, 2013. The last day was celebrated as the ‘Ramakrishna Day’, in the Vivekananda Auditorium of the Mission premises. ‘Practical Vedanta‘ was the theme of the Bhakta… Continue Reading →
Swami Brahmeshanandaji was speaking on the life and teachings of Swami Vivekananda on the eve of the first day of the Annual Day Celebrations of the Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi. Swami Brahmeshanandaji is a senior monk of the Ramakrishna Order. An… Continue Reading →
The next Bhakta Sammelan at our Ashrama will be held on Sunday, the 19th of February, 2012 as part of the Annual Celebrations of the Ashrama. The topic selected for contemplation and discussion is Tyaga (Sacrifice), something which is extremely… Continue Reading →
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