Brahmachari Girishananda

Brahmachari Girishananda

We are very happy to inform you that Pujya Swami Girishanandaji, who is a great exponent of the ancient scripture Bhagavatam, will once again be conducting a discourse from the 12th to the 18th of this month from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. at our Sarada Auditorium. The topic is an extremely important one i.e. Gopi Geet (Maharas). It is very difficult to understand the Raslila of Sri Krishna. Hence, let us listen to Pujya Swamiji and drink the nectar of Raslila.

We will be adding audio recordings of the series for devotees who may be interested in downloading them. The talk will be in Hindi

Yours in service,

Swami Shantatmananda