State Level Youth Convention

State Level Youth Convention

Awakening the Youth Power

Swami Vivekananda had tremendous faith in the youth of our country. Men and women who recognize their infinite potential and have the courage to realize it were his hope for the nation. To mark the 150th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, a Youth Convention is being organized by us in New Delhi in collaboration with Indian Agricultural Research Institute(IARI) from the 18th to 20th October, 2013, to remind ourselves about the tremendous power of the ideals that Swami Vivekananda had envisioned to transform our own lives and rejuvenate India.

The convention is open to youth delegates in the age group 16-30 who have to register by paying Rs. 100/-. The deliberations will be in both English and Hindi (mixed). The registration form is also available in the website To ensure a substantial take-home for the participants of this convention, we have invited luminaries from various walks of life to address them. So, the delegates are requested to attend all the sessions and actively participate in the interactive sessions. The last date for registration is 30 Sep 2013.


The Speakers:

Registration Form: